Our Top 10 Beauty Secrets and Hacks

Our Top 10 Beauty Secrets and Hacks

They say that ‘’beauty is in the eye of the beholder’’ meaning that beauty is subjective – and what appears as beautiful to one person, may take on an entirely different meaning to another. Although this is true, it cannot be denied that universal beauty standards do exist. So, what secrets and hacks will help you to achieve a glowingly beautiful appearance? Remember – everyone is beautiful in their own unique way! These beauty secrets and hacks are simply meant to emphasize, not change – your natural beauty. So sit tight, as we talk you through our top 10 beauty secrets and hacks.

1. Good Skin is the Foundation of Good Makeup

Do you remember the era of high-coverage, cakey, and orange-hued foundation? For any millennials reading this, we’re sure you can (not so fondly) reminisce on the days of your makeup regime consisting of Maybelline’s Dream Matte Mousse, combined with a too-thick powder, followed by an unnecessarily excessive dose of bronzer and blusher, and perhaps some powder blue eyeshadow to finish off the look. Yikes! Luckily we have evolved way beyond this look, and today, good skin care is actually trendy. Don’t get us wrong, we love makeup – but piling on layers of foundation, powder, and bronzer while neglecting your actual skin care, is a recipe for disaster.
Good skin is the foundation of good makeup (no pun intended!). At the end of the day, the better your skin looks, the better your makeup will look. Try skipping foundation and just using concealer some days, or try using a tinted moisturizer instead. If you regularly wear foundation, aim to use non-comedogenic products – aka products that won’t block your pores.

2. Establish Your Skin Type – And Tailor Your Skin Care Routine to Fit Accordingly

Have you ever wondered what type of skin you have? With so much information circulating, it can be confusing to pinpoint your exact skin type. There are five different skin types: oily, dry, normal, combination and sensitive:
    • Oily skin produces an excess of sebum that causes the skin to appear shiny and feel greasy—especially throughout the t-zone.
    • Dry skin is typically dull and may become rough, flaky or even scaly. It often feels tight or less elastic and may be prone to showing more visible lines.
    • Normal skin is balanced and not prone to breakouts, flakiness, or tightness. Pores are generally small, the skin’s texture is smooth, and it is less likely to be blemish prone.
    • Combination skin includes areas that are dry as well as oil – with the T-Zone generally being oily, and the cheeks being either dry or normal.
    • Regardless of which type of skin you have, if you have sensitive skin, it may be red, feel like it’s burning, itching or dry.
By understanding what type of skin you have, you can make informed decisions to support your specific skin needs. Take some time to familiarize yourself with skin types, and do an online skin type assessment if you are still unsure.

3. Get Serious About Your Skincare

Now that you have pinpointed your skin type, it’s time to get serious about your specific skin care needs. Although a huge amount of skin care advice exists, for starters you can take the complexity out of the process by adhering to three basic steps of a skin-care routine: cleansing, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen. You should cleanse then moisturize every morning and night. You should also apply sunscreen every morning, but you can use a moisturizer that has at least 30 SPF and broad-spectrum protection to combine those two steps. Also, make sure to apply a moisturizer or a night cream before bedtime to ensure overnight skin hydration. Serums, toners, exfoliants, and prescription treatments should be applied after cleansing but before moisturizing.

4. Don’t Skip the Sunscreen!

Remember when sunscreen was seen as ’uncool’? Times have changed, because today sunscreen is all the rage! A vital component to your skin care, when worn daily sunscreen can prevent the skin from UV damage, aging and unwanted dark spots.
Kim Kardashian’s dermatologist, Dr. Harold Lancer, recommends that sunscreen of SPF 30+ be worn daily for best results. So take it from the experts, and get lathering on your sunscreen!

5. Avoid Wearing Makeup When Working-Out 

Wearing makeup when engaging in any kind of sweaty pursuit – from gym-going to running, can wreak havoc on your skin. The worst culprit is foundation, which, when mixed with sweat creates the perfect breeding ground for acne and blemishes to fester in. If you really can’t resist, opt for a super-light tinted moisturizer or BB Cream which won’t be too heavy on your skin. Once you are finished with your workout, make sure to thoroughly wash and cleanse your face right away.

6. Never Sleep With Your Makeup On

This one may seem like an obvious point to make, but it’s easier said than done. We have almost all been guilty of sleeping with our makeup on, whether it’s from having one too many drinks, or simply being too tired to remove makeup and cleanse. To avoid unnecessary breakouts, blemishes, and clogged pores, make sure you wash your entire face thoroughly before hitting the hay.

7. Achieve Natural Beauty Without Applying Makeup

You don’t need makeup to look naturally beautiful – because we are all naturally beautiful in our own way. However, the trials and tribulations of daily life can leave you feeling stressed and wiped-out, and this can manifest in your physical appearance – resulting in a tired, dull, or lackluster facial appearance. In this case, makeup comes to the rescue, brightening up and refreshing your appearance. However, makeup should be used as a beauty emphasizer to accentuate your features, rather than a tool to completely overhaul your appearance. But in today’s society, makeup is too often used to mask insecurities, or achieve ‘perfection’. What’s more, according to a report by TODAY and AOL, women spend an average of 55 minutes every day applying makeup. This equates to approximately 335 hours – or two full weeks – of makeup application per year! Just think of the time you would save every year if you didn’t have to spend time doing your makeup everyday….
You can achieve a naturally beautiful look without conventional makeup products. Semi-permanent makeup is revolutionizing the beauty industry as we know it – saving countless people the time and energy that is required for tedious everyday makeup applications. At Make Blink Studio, our stylish and intimate studio is the place to go for tailored treatments to enhance your natural beauty. From lips, to brows, to eyeliner – we have you covered – whatever your semi-permanent makeup needs may be. Book-in today with one of our professional artists, and leave feeling more confident than ever.

8. Don’t Neglect Your Eyebrows!

We have said it before, and we’ll say it again – when it comes to beauty, eyebrows are everything! Your brows help to define and shape your face, so choosing the right brows is really the foundation of your beauty regime. Ample, well-defined arches have the ability to soften and define your facial features, and bring symmetry to your overall facial shape. Shaping the perfect brow to suit your facial structure is no easy feat – so be sure to consult with an eyebrow artist if you are unsure or apprehensive about doing DIY brow-shaping. What’s more, if you want to save yourself the hassle of constant brow grooming, we strongly recommend considering semi-permanent brows. With Make Blink Studio’s, our expert team of brow artists will be able to find the right brows for you – whatever your needs. We offer a range of beautiful brow options: including ombre, phi, and colour boost brows.

9. Emphasize Your Eyes

Do you often feel frustrated when applying eye makeup? It’s undoubtedly the most difficult of all makeup applications. From mastering the precision of a difficult cat-eye, to meticulously applying false eyelashes, eye makeup application can really feel like mission impossible. No matter where you fall on the makeup-skills spectrum, you can perfect your eye-look with semi-permanent makeup. At Blink Makeup Studio, we offer eyeliner fine line definition, and eyeliner shading for both cat style top line and fine lower line. The benefits of receiving semi-permanent eyeliner range from not needing to wear eyeliner anymore (if you frequently wear it as part of your beauty routine), to enhancing the beauty of your eye shape. Smudge-free and fuss-free, semi-permanent eyeliner is really the way forward.

10. Confidence is Key

It’s important to remember that beauty also comes from within. Any physical changes you make to your appearance, whether through using conventional beauty products, or semi-permanent or permanent beauty procedures, should be incorporated to enhance – rather than to change your natural beauty. On that note, we love this quote from actress Emma Stone, on the importance of confidence:
“Confidence is the only key. I know a lot of people who aren’t traditionally beautiful, not symmetrical or perfect-bodied or perfect-skinned. But none of that matters because all that shines through is their confidence, humor and comfort with themselves. I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.”
So stand tall and embrace yourself, imperfections and all! As long as you see yourself as beautiful then there isn’t anything that can stop you from feeling that way. When using beauty products or semi-permanent makeup procedures, aim to accentuate – rather than to change your natural beauty.
Curious to learn more about how we can help you accentuate your natural beauty? Book-in today with one of our professional artists, and leave feeling more confident than ever.